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π· Each year we care for around 200.000 photos at our photo archive. Each year we issue several hundreds of publication licenses. π· We run special online and offline campaigns to give beautiful women of all cultures their equality, showing them their dignity and self confidence by coaching them and taking their photos. π· Our unique specialized photo retouching workflow can bring additional "digital makeup" to the images which accentuates character, expression and beautiful details. π· As of 2008, we were ranking global #1 on Hyves (the then largest Dutch social network) as most popular and most valuable model photography service. π· By giving person-to-person training courses (offline, or online via video) we share our knowledge and make it more universally available, enriching the world of photography and photo retouching by spreading the knowledge and experience.
A Little Bit About Me
Can I tell you a story? It’s a quick story. I promise.
When I was a kid I used to imagine being an inventor, working with beautiful people to create beautiful audiovisual creative things. I have no idea where the notion came from.
It started when I moved from a small village to the city. Suddenly I became a part of the real life, time went fast and I was embracing all the new possibilities.
Over the last years I’ve been working full time as a portrait photographer and professional photo retoucher, much on location but mostly in my photo studio in Zwolle, one hour from Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
I’ve been delivering innovative graphical solutions through our products and services for our clients since 2007. I operate from Europe in which most of our customers are based, but I am going to span other regions.
But it’s never mattered where I was working, I’ve been the enthusiastic guy who’s always smiling, having fun and being happy being able to share insights, encouraging others, inspire audiences and making great people even more beautiful and pretty.Β And doing one thing at a time enables me to concentrate on the end result even more.
Over the years I have created a clean consistent workflow to retrieve the maximum amount of detail out of the images. I have studied a lot about retouching techniques (image editing) and I’m learning and teaching everyday about the newest trends.
On this site I showcase some of my non-commercial work. And beyond that, I’m doing live webcasts on social media about professional retouching.
Want to know more? Take a look at my Workflow.
Are you ready? Order a Photo Shoot!