Pure & Simple in Black & White
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We wanted to keep it pure and simple. And I really wanted to capture some movement and personality. And why doing it in a clean perfectionistic studio setup while it’s all about her? By keeping some ambience in the shots I can create a whole different kind of image set, and by using a very small depth of field I can make that ambience present, but not distracting.
As I explained several times in previous series, working with black & white (greyscale, to be more precisely) enables me to accentuate her expression and personality. Because colors can be very distracting and can pull away the attention from the subject we decided to make the whole series black & white.
To keep the shots pure and simple we didn’t make use of an external makeup artist and many layers of makeup. No obvious face shaping, no heavy face mask, just some subtle accents. Everything else I’ve done in the postprocessing: some local dodge & burning, some micro dodge & burning, some cloning. No frequency separation and no smoothing: no cheating, just pure like how she is. And I love it. 😃
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